Security, Heartbleed, Passwords

GoSignMeUp Data Security

GoSignMeUp Data Security

There have been concerns about security recently due to the spread of the notorious “Heartbleed” virus, and even more recently the Bash Code Injection Vulnerability issue.  We at GoSignMeUp are committed to safeguarding your data – it is a top priority. The security flaw that Heartbleed was exploiting was an OpenSSL Protocol used on Unix and Linux systems. GoSignMeUp uses Microsoft servers exclusively, so none of our clients were impacted.   Which is why the Bash Code Injection Vulnerability also isn’t an issue, as it impacts Unix , Linux and Apple OS servers only.

Security, Heartbleed, Passwords

It is a good time however to review your site’s security, especially in regard to usernames and passwords.  Security breeches can happen because of poor administration choices, such as obvious username and password combinations. It is important to not potentially allow access to your site with an administrator account that can be easily hacked. Be sure to use common-sense when choosing passwords; Always use a combination of letters and numbers, and mixing in Upper case with Lower case letters is also recommended, as in mixing in special charaters (@#$%&* etc.). Administrator accounts provide access to virtually all of your user data, so if you are a super-admin on your site it is a good idea to double-check that admin passwords are not easy to hack.   Reminding your staff to change their passwords periodically is also a good idea, especially if your organization experiences a lot of turnover.

In today’s modern world where so much of what we do is internet-based, it is prudent to take measures to safeguard your data.  Periodically changing your password is recommended.  At GoSignMeUp, we stay on top of technology issues and keep our data centers secure.   A combination of common-sense and updated technology is a good way to keep your information safe.

Check out these resources below for more information;

Bourne Again Shell (Bash) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Bash Code Injection Vulnerability

Everything you need to know Heartbleed 

Microsoft Services unaffected by OpenSSL “Heartbleed” vulnerability

25 Worse Passwords

Choosing a Secure Password

What not to do when choosing a password

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